Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #3 Front Cover

Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #3 Winter 2024

Issue #3, Winter 2024

In the heart of winter, Gabby & Min's Literary Review is thrilled to unveil its third issue, a mesmerizing anthology that captures the serene beauty and introspective spirit of the season. Issue #3 is a carefully crafted mosaic of artistic expression and literary depth, offering readers a sanctuary of imagination during the colder months. The pages of this edition are adorned with 14 unique pieces of art, each a testament to the profound creativity and diverse perspectives of its artists, reflecting the quiet complexity and stark contrasts of winter. Complementing these visual narratives are 5 stories of fiction, where the written word weaves tales of wonder, reflection, and the human condition, inviting readers into worlds both familiar and fantastical. The issue also presents 6 photographs, each a frozen moment in time, capturing the subtle interplay of light, shadow, and emotion that only winter can evoke. The collection is further enriched by 16 pieces of poetry and prose, where language flows like the gentle fall of snow, painting scenes of introspection, resilience, and the myriad shades of human experience. As with every issue, each piece is a celebration of the unique vision and craftsmanship of its creator, making Issue #3 an immersive journey through the artistry of winter. Join us in embracing the reflective calm and inspiring beauty that this season brings, as showcased in the pages of Gabby & Min's Literary Review.

Adeyemi Adebayo, Alexandra Shandrenko, Alyssa Higuera, Amanda Vogt, Angela Townsend, Caleb James Stewart, Clive Aaron Gill, Cyrus Carlson, David M. Alper, dN eQ, Donald Patten, Frances Fish, Heidi Speth, Jared Pearce, Jeremiah Gilbert, Jonathan Lancaster, K. Ryan Gregory, Kelsey Erica Tran, Lu Liu, Marco Etheridge, Mike Horan, Peter Rustin, Rich Glinnen, Robyn Bashaw, Ryan Eubank, Ryo Kajitani, Serge Lecomte, Shayla Dodge, Somdeep Datta, T.M. Thomson, Terry Trowbridge, Thaddeus Rutkowski, Velibor Baćo, Whitney Weisenberg, Will Neuenfeldt, Zoe Huot-Link


Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #2 Front Cover

Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #2 Fall 2023

Issue #2, Fall 2023

Gabby & Min's Literary Review proudly presents its second issue for Fall 2023, a compendium of artistic exploration and literary brilliance that offers readers a unique opportunity to traverse diverse realms of imagination. This edition, thematically curated to capture the essence of autumnal transition and introspection, boasts a meticulously chosen selection of contributions that subtly illuminate the shifting emotions and colors of the season. Within the issue's pages, readers will find nine distinct pieces of art, each conveying profound themes and sentiments, alongside nine engaging fiction stories that range from the whimsical to the profound. A selection of five evocative photographs provides a visual narrative that complements the textual richness, drawing one deeper into the world the magazine seeks to portray. Tying the collection together are 21 pieces of poetry and prose, where words dance and paint vivid images of life, loss, love, and everything in between. As always, each work stands as a testament to the vision and talent of its creator, making Issue #2 a memorable journey for all who embark upon it.

Ace Boggess, Adrianna Gordey, Benjamin Kirby, Charles Bowers, Charles Jacobson, Clarissa Cervantes, Colleen M. Tice, Douglas G. Campbell, Dmitry Blizniuk, Edward Luellin, Edward Michael Supranowicz, Harrison Zeiberg, Huina Zheng, Igor Zusev, John Power, Joseph Hardy, Joshua Sabatini, Keith Kennedy, Lee Hammerschmidt, Lukas Tallent, Margaret Marcum, Mario Loprete, Martha Patterson, Matt Hanson, Matthew McCain, Maya Jacyszyn, Mord McGhee, Nicholas Higginson, Oleg Sotnikov, Robin Young, Ruth Brown, Sandra Hosking, Serge Lecomte, Shannon Burns, Siyuan Carter-Patkau, Sourima Rana, Steven O. Young Jr., Tara Thiel, Tuhin Bhowal, Uswa Maryam, Vaishnavi Pusapati


Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #1 Front Cover

Gabby & Min's Literary Review, Issue #1 Summer 2023

Issue #1, Summer 2023

Gabby & Min's Literary Review proudly presents its inaugural issue for Summer 2023, featuring an eclectic selection of creative works. With a carefully curated blend of visual and written artistry, this issue showcases the distinct voices and talents of emerging artists and writers. In this issue, readers can immerse themselves in five captivating pieces of art that span a range of styles and mediums, sparking a conversation between the visual and the literary. The four compelling works of fiction transport readers to diverse worlds, exploring the complexities of human emotions and the boundaries of imagination. Alongside these narratives are seven thought-provoking photographs, capturing moments frozen in time, each telling a story of its own. Additionally, the collection boasts a remarkable amalgamation of 19 poems and prose pieces, delving into themes of love, loss, nature, and introspection. This debut issue celebrates creativity in all its forms, inviting readers to revel in the rich tapestry of artistry that defines the pages of Gabby & Min's Literary Review.

a.Soul, Amanda Tumminaro, Claire Marie Anderson, CLS Sandoval, Cynthia Yatchman, Elizabeth Wittenberg, Ellen Zhang, Emma Wells, Heather Wheaton, Jacob Reina, Jaden Fong, Jaina Cipriano, Jonathan Jones, Ken Kakareka, Krista Ruffo, Lawrence Bridges, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, Maggie Bowyer, Matthew Fertel, N.T. Chambers, Nataliia Burmaka, Nicole K. Braden-Johnson, Robin Young, Ruby Wang, Simon A. Smith, Steve Gerson, Susan Cornford, Taylor Franson Thiel, Taylor Necko, Thomas Misuraca, Vaishnavi Pusapati


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